<\/a>The view from my house – who wants to commute to Melbourne?<\/p><\/div>\n
Personal\u00a0<\/span>brand is something that has excited my thinking for a few years now. I have worked with entrepreneurs, artists and business people on their personal brand and I love that it is one of the services that I offer.<\/span><\/p>\n
But it wasn\u2019t always thus.<\/span><\/p>\n
Seventeen years ago I moved from Melbourne to a small farm just outside a busy tourist town 100 or so km\u2019s away. For a few years, I commuted to my job as PR Manager for a national\u00a0<\/span>organisation\u00a0<\/span>creating and implementing strategies along with my team of five.<\/p>\n
After a while, I\u00a0<\/span>realised\u00a0<\/span>that although I had moved to paradise, I spent very little time there and knew few people, because the bulk of my time was\u00a0<\/span>travelling\u00a0to or from my Melbourne job. So, I took a plunge, left a well-paid job to start up on my own. Something that I had never considered doing before.<\/p>\n
Ascend Public Relations and Communications was the result and for a\u00a0<\/span>while\u00a0<\/span>my previous employer kept giving me work that I could do from home so I was in a good position while I started the planning and marketing process.<\/p>\n
My business moved forward very slowly. So slowly, sometimes it felt like I was going\u00a0<\/span>backwards. I was unknown in an industry where word of mouth is very important and where, at least in the immediate area, most businesses were small and on tight budgets.<\/span><\/p>\n